  • 关于高一英语作文

    2016关于高一英语作文,下面聘才小编为大家介绍一下关于2016关于高一英语作文范文。一起来阅读参考一下吧!!2016关于高一英语作文一:Relax OurselvesRecently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. W...

  • 关于交通的高一英语作文

    Life only have once, and people often do not pay attention to traffic safety has ruined my life.In order to cut a lot of people, some do not go sidewa...

  • 关于学校的高一英语作文

    I like my school life very much,it is very interesting.I usually reach school at half past seven.Then we do morning exercises at eight o'clock.We have...

  • 关于假期的高一英语作文

    As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to study harder in order to get ...

  • 高一英语日记 -英语作文

    January 13 2011It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We a...

  • myfavoriteteacher高一英语作文

    导语:你最喜欢哪位老师?是不是能从他身上学到很多有用的知识呢?以下是大学网unjs.com小编整理的myfavoriteteacher高一英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。myfavoriteteacher高一英语作文If ask me who my favorite teacher is, I will n...

  • 高一英语作文必修

    1、假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Linda来信说她家搬到了一个新城市,她几乎没有朋友,每天除了上课就是在家上网,感觉很孤独。请你给她写一封信,劝她多结交朋友,参加社会活动。 Dear Linda,I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange cit...

  • 高一英语日记

    高一英语日记(一)It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are fre...

  • 作文 高一英语作文:梦想能够飞翔

    It has been over 100 years since the very first plane, invented by the Wright Brothers, flew into the sky. The first plane, which was made of wood, ha...

  • 作文 高一英语作文:I’ll Be A Supers

    I’m an outgoing girl and my name is Shi Yun. I love singing songs, especially pop songs. My favorite singer is Jay Chou.As we all know, Jay is a super...

  • 作文 高一英语作文:用功是重要的

    Ladies and Gentle men. I am honored to deliver a speech here about the importance of working hard. Diligence is vital to our success in the society, a...

  • 作文 高一英语作文:语言 language

    Language is essential; language is what we use to communicate among others. it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There a...

  • 作文 高一英语作文:水的作用 The role of

    Water is very important to us. If you don’t have water for three days, you will die. We can use water for flowers, swimming, washing and many differen...

  • 高一英语作文学英语

    导语:高一的同学们知道如何写好英语?怎么用英文作文来表达?以下是小编为大家整理的文章,欢迎阅读!希望对大家有所帮助!高一英语作文学英语(一)The English language has become an international language because it is used by ...

  • 高一英语作文介绍自己

    高一英语作文介绍自己My name am Li Rong , is a ClaOne Grade Six student of Hongshan elementary school. I like dancing,performing, managing, and singing! The hobb...

  • 我的考试经验高一英语作文

    In my opinion, examinations are one of the important activities in school life. I have gone through all sorts of examinations since my primary school....

  • 高一英语开学计划


  • 关于健康高一英语作文

    人生最大的财富是希望,人生最大的资本是健康。下面是小编整理的关于健康高一英语作文,欢迎来参考!关于健康高一英语作文一Nowadays, as the living standard improve, more and more people in the state of sub-health. A...

  • 高一英语作文保持健康

    英文是让我们走向国际道路的语言,英语作文就能很好的提高我们的英语水平。今天我们就一起来看看高一英语作文保持健康吧!高一英语作文保持健康篇1people want to have good health.what is good health?you are feeling strong and we...

  • 高一英语作文范文

    高一英语作文范文Build a Harmonious SocietyDear fellow students,Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's duty to work ...

  • 端午节高一英语作文

    是五月初五端午节想必大家都知道,那么,下面是小编给大家分享的端午节高一英语作文,供大家阅读参考。端午节高一英语作文1Today, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. My grandma and grandpa came to my house. My grandmoth...

  • 高一英语作文考试常用名言

    写作作为英语教学的一个重点与难点一直为师生所关注。但在实际的英语学习过程中,一些学生将更多的时间投入到见效较快的词汇、英语阅读等部分,而忽略了英语写作问题。下面是小编为你收集的高一英语作文考试常用名言,欢迎浏览。高一英语作文考试常用名言篇1 天生我才必有用. Difficult circumstan...

  • 高一英语作文 关于准备开学

    高一新学期英语作文一:新学期计划I have been a senior student for some time and I think it’s time for me to set goals in my Grade one.Firstly,I must try my best to wor...

  • 高一英语 Modern agriculture 试题

    习题精选一.单项选择1. The rain wills ___ our plan for a picnic.A. affect b. influence C. effect D. infect2. ______ other good students, the teacher thinks, han...