
索老师点题漫画式大作文 点评修改

时间:2021-09-06 17:58:48 考研英语 我要投稿

索老师点题漫画式大作文 范文点评修改


索老师点题漫画式大作文 范文点评修改

1. “小视点、大话题”的漫画作文是最可能的命题形式,应该说比出图表题的可能性大些!

2. 我所提供的三篇写作命题, 都极具预测性,请同学们认真体会,潜心写作,不要口头四处传播!

3. 考生要注意我所提供的三篇作文的时效性,它们所蕴涵的主题思想与现今的“以人为本”、“和谐社会”等热点词是一脉相通的。






1、 人生处处是考场/考验

◇ Face Up Challenges and Tests in Life


◇ 图示如下:一些年轻人在大道上行走,前方有高耸的大学学府、研究所的招牌,但路两旁设有各种各样的考场和在座的考官。

Face up Challenge and Test in life

As is vividly depicted in above picture, in order to enter our yearning college and obtain the corresponding degree, we must experience a variety of tests throughout our lives. Taking a test is challenge and opportunity in the meantime. To succeed in our lives, we must face up test proactively.

In the first place, we should establish solid foundation during school times. [此处为倒装句] Only when we equip ourselves with the most basic scientific knowledge will we have the chance to get touch with and grasp the high and new technology. Secondly, we must open our mind and have the spirit of innovation. Innovation is critical to not only one person's development but also to a country's development. To behave excellently in a test, innovation is the highlight. At last, we should apply our knowledge correctly. Without a positive value point, knowledge is valueless and even can be harmful.

All in all, now that test is not avoidable, we only can find the best solution to pass it. And I think that test is the most effective means of encouraging us learning hard and continuously. So why not say thanks to the test? [14--15分索玉柱评分]

2、 放弃同样需要勇气 (此题最重要)

◇ Giving Up Is Also Needed Courageously.


◇ 图示如下:一个人放下了一个大斧头,不再砍那一颗长满果实的大树。图画的含义和寓意是:人类需要与自然环境同步发展,科学把握自然规律,不能盲目冒进,为一时的利益所左右自己。

Giving Up Is Also Needed Courageously[修改稿]

In the picture, a person is putting down an axe slowly, because he doesn’t want to cut down a big tree with many ripe fruits. Before this fat benefit, the man can give up his idea of cutting down the fruit tree. This action is really worthy of courage; that is, “Giving up also needs courage.”

It is much clearer that the drawer attaches importance to development, whose implication, I believe, can be summarized in the following two aspects. In the first place, in this world, too many people take it for granted that we can freely take anything we need from environment. But if we couldn’t stop excessive development, the earth would become nothing, including water shortage and air pollution [得分点: 虚拟语气]. In the second place, in such a competitive information age, natural resources are always limited. We have to change our minds in order to obey natural laws and regulations. In terms of protecting our earth,[口诀:扩展状语] giving up today just means taking more tomorrow.

The earlier we begin to protect our earth, the more likely we can obtain from the earth. In the future, the earth will have fresh air, clean water and bright sun-shines again. What we can do is to implement our slogan “please protect our own world because we have only one” .

3、 错过机遇等于失败。

◇ Losing Chance Breeds Total Failure.

◇ 图画为反面命题:反映“学科学、用科学,在实践中在把握机遇”的主题。写作中需要在结论中正面弘扬拼搏精神、科学的发展观。

◇ 图示如下:一个男子背着猎枪,拿着指南针在定位东南西北的方向,寻找猎物,但一只野兔就在他的身旁。这样的对比关系含有这样的寓意:人人身旁都会有机遇,要擅长把握它们。不要好高务远,应该脚踏实地从实际出发,科学合理地办好每一件生活和工作中的小事。

Losing Chance Breeds Total Failure

As is shown from the graph, we can see clearly that losing chance leads to entire failure. A hunter is holding a compass, looking for a rabbit everywhere. But the rabbit is just around him. He fails to find it because he always aims at large and far-away goals and is reluctant to look around him. So it is pity that the chance fails him again and again.

As it is,chance is waiting for a man who has a ready mind. A man may be ambitious and want to succeed very much, but he is idle and always does nothing all day long. So when chance comes, he can’t hold it. He is doomed to failure. On the contrary, if a man has been studying or working hard for his ambition, he may have chances to achieve. That is why a diligent man has more chances to succeed than an idle man. That is, we should make a concrete plan for our goal. This plan may include many procedures and we should take measures to attain the aim at present. Therefore, we are able to achieve our ambition step by step. At the same time, chances come nearly to you naturally.

In conclusion, only if we are ready for success, chances are always around ourselves.

4. 谦让他人同样也方便自己

◇ Modesty Is Also Beneficial to Yourself

◇ 图画为正面命题:反映“人与人和谐关系,构建和谐社会”的主题。

◇ 图示如下:马路上行人之间相互让路的情景。“您先走。对不走,劳驾。”这样的礼貌语言的蔚然成风。

Modesty is Also Beneficial to You

We can see clearly from the drawing that the persons are making/ giving way to [让路] each other on the narrow road. To each other, they may say, “Excuse me.” “ By the way.” “ After you.”[您先走]” [务必将图画中的汉语提示语写在第一段;如汉语提示语太多则写出主要内容,这样的语句才为描写句。近年来,考研作文是个描写文+议论文的混合体,这是事实。] Undoubtedly, the cute phenomenon mirrors the build-up of social mood of harmony and modesty. The idea of the picture is this: modesty is also beneficial to you. As life needs interpersonal modesty, so does a society and even the globe, I dare say.

In the present world, we can see that varied polite behaviors around us. Internationally, China cut off the land a little to Russia, and thus they give our country more benefits. In the social affairs, the parts of China West are not quarreled with the parts of China East in the economic development, and later the developing east areas now return to give a hand to the west areas for their economic promotion. In our life time, an enterprise of product foods offers their production to a firm that product machine to the food enterprise. That is to say, modest to others that you can acquire another advantages.[评语: 句型和结构层次很好,但事例China cut off the land a little to Russia最好改一下。]